An African Heart

An African Heart

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Guess what? I asked President Broadbent what the most conforting thing to hear as a father was and he said, "Tell him you're happy, healthy, and you have the Spirit." I am happy, i am healthy, and i have the Spirit. Truly, and IT FEELS GREAT!!!
Man, i miss you dad. But guess what, you are always with me because i am your son. I even tell people stories about my dad :) 
I told mom, but when i get back - MOTAB CONCERT!! PLEEEEEASE!!
Check out that patriarchal blessing thing too that i sent mom ok?
Here's some spiritual stuff i learned recently.
Go to Hebrews 12:6-7, and 9. Hahaha that is what an earthly father does too! Share with ben and dan :)
Also, as i have been trying to develop charity for all, i have noticed something. Stereotyping is a noxious weed. We all HAVE to eliminate the very concept from our minds or we will never have charity. I am not singling you out, i am telling our whole family cuz it is so hard. I just want us all to progress together. We as missionaries are commanded in the White Handbook to "live the higher law" as taught by Jesus Christ. And i thought, as i listened to Elder Cook of the Seventy (again), The General Authorities live the higher law all the time. So why can't we? We as a family can live the higher law that Jesus Christ taught. The Bretheren and Jesus Christ teach us with the expectation that we will accomplish what they tell us. We can do it!! I know that for a fact, or else we wouldn't be commanded that!  Dad, you have been my role model. You taught me the value of work and of the Gospel and it is invaluable out here. I don't get tired! 
Also, out here there is some crazy cool souveniers. I want to send stuff home to you but it is expensive. should i just carry it home in my suitcase instead? What do you think?
Dad i think about you all the time.  I am totally planning on climbing Long's Peak in two years. We will do it together :)
I love you so much Dad, we are never far as Priesthood holding father and son.
Your loving son,

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