An African Heart

An African Heart

Friday, June 8, 2012

"Yes mother." (Happy now?)

Yes, Dad is a dork. A big one! But we couldn't have him any other way. That's just big ole' daddio :) By the way, are you going to go on the weight-loss crusade with him? I would love you to climb Long's Peak with us when we get home too. I wawnt Dad to take this weight loss thing seriously. It's important to me :)

that is AWESOME about Ben's game!!!! I am amazed that he is pitching. Wow. To think, he used to be horrible, but now he's a pitcher. I am so proud of him :) haha! i got that Katniss joke, it made me chuckle!! 20+ years of marriage with the wierdest family on Earth has really taken it's toll, huh?

As for off-roading in the Grand Am.... who you been talking to? Ben didn't say anything did he?

I am so happy to hear about the good news with our relatives!! Especially Matt, i was praying for him. i am glad that he is really searching for a job. He is such a good man. Give him my deepest love ok?
And as for Franny, i am glad she is happy!! Tell her that her little missionary is having a jolly old time. Tell her, "Jeepers! This is all just swell! But some people are off their rockers!" :) And what did Aunt Laurie say? How much better is she doing? Is she still in the hospital?

As for Bishop Dance, call him Sheldon for me, then punch him. then demand that he sends me a letter. I WANT ONE FROM SHELDON!!!!!

i worked with an African jembe this week. You know those funky looking hoes you see in old books about Africans ploughing a farm or something? Well, it's called a jembe, and i used one, African style this week.

We met an old mama in a wheel chair in an area called Mitua. She has no use of her legs, and she is fairly crippled physically. Mentally, she's all there. Our hearts went out to this old woman, who's only source of real help is her husband, who is in the hospital. Well, we decided to weed her "shumba" (farm). It was not too big... but it wasn't small. I have never sweated more than that :P And guess what, we even got some members from the branch involved! Well, by the time we finished, i only had 8 blisters! Which is better than the first time i used a jembe in the early stages of mission. That time i had 11. This time, only 8. AND, my hands will have less next time. I was really feeling part of Kenya at that point. Weeding a shumba, with a traditional jembe, in the hot African sun. Wow.
As for everything else, transfers are in 2 weeks. I most likely will not stay in Naitiri. But Elder Arineitwe has it all under control. I trust him, and he is awesome :) I am glad you are happy mama :) The world is bright! Six months... I was reminiscing about coming home while washing my clothes today. Ech... time is flying. I love you forever, and nothing can stop our reuniting! :)
With eternal love,
Conraddie :)

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