An African Heart

An African Heart

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

April 29th

Ok. Zero time. Going to speak like telegram STOP Just kidding STOP haha STOP

Ok so here's the biggest news items.

1. Elder Gideon and I had a zone wide fast last week, the purpose being: to be led to those who are the elect, ready to receive the message of the Restoration, and also for them to be led to us. Well, AMAZING what faith, fast, and prayers can do. We have investigators popping up almost daily. We challenged two of them to baptism on the first meeting, and they both accepted!!!! The Lord accepted our fast so much, and is answering it by trusting us with many of His children to teach. I'll give you more details later :)

2. After prayer and fasting, and a month of waiting for an answer, i have concluded that when i return from my mission, i am going to not go to school for about 6 months. I will get settled, work and save, date (booyah), do YSA stuff, and build up Zion in my own area. The main motive is that i need money and time to settle. So that's my choice. What be your say?

3. I love you all to death and beyond, and, oh yeah, ******   [redacted by Conrad's Dad for privacy of the individual who emailed him] EMAILED ME!!!! BOOYAH AGAIN!!!!!!

 Tell Granny Franny thanks for the email, oh and what the heck?!?!?!

SAN DIEGO?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Where did that come from!??!???! I didn't know you were going there?!??!?!?! Thanks for my package, love it, so thankful for all of that.

So short on time, but i love you all, thanks for your emails. They mean alot and i look forward to them :) I love you all with all my heart. Be diligent in your daily necessities: scripture study DAILY, prayer morning and night at least, and keep the Sabbath Day as holy as possible. I love Jesus Christ, and will be eternally thankful that He saved me. I really do love Him :)

Well, got somebody to go see. A man named Mkama. The work progresses :)

With eternal, sealed love, Elder Conrad Schneider

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